
If you are a student of Mandarin Chinese and would like to use 枝丫 for reading. listening, and learning, here are resources that may be helpful.

Getting started

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More about the story

Tree-related vocabulary

枝 zhī measure word for long, stiff, straight objects
丫 yā twig, branch
枝丫 yī zhīyā twig
根 gēn root, basis, classifier for long, slender objects
一根枝丫 yī gēn zhīyā a branch
棵 kē measure word for trees, plants
树 shù tree
一棵树 yī kē shù a tree
树苗 shùmiáo sapling
树干 shùgàn tree trunk
树桩 shùzhuāng tree stump

Characters from 静夜思 Jìng Yè Sī by 李白 Lǐ Bái

Characters from 静夜思 Jìng Yè Sī by 李白 Lǐ Bái appear in 枝丫. Here is the character list with chapters in which the character first appears in parentheses.

床 (1),前 (1),明 (2),月 (2),光 (1) ,疑 (21),是 (1),地 (1),上 (1),霜 (25),举 (6),头 (6),望 (2),低 (6),思 (5),故 (22),乡 (11) , 静 (14), 夜 (3), 李 (1) 白 (1)

Twig 枝丫 Zhīyā is a serialized fantasy novel written in Simplified Chinese characters for intermediate level Mandarin Chinese readers. Twig 枝丫 zhīyā is written by Anne Giles and edited by 侯慧颖 Hóu Huìyǐng “Mary.” More about the creators is here.

Illustration for Chapter 6 by Derek Zheng.