As it was told to him by his parents, Xiao Li tells his son, Xiaoxiao Li, the history of the tree.
Twig 枝丫 Zhīyā is a serialized fantasy novel written in Simplified Chinese characters for intermediate level readers.
“你的爷爷奶奶告诉了我,现在我要告诉你,” 小李说。"他们的父母告诉了他们。你应该告诉你的孩子,你的下一代。”为了不让树批评他,小李讲的故事和他爸爸妈妈讲的完全一样。
“从前,在一个未知的时间,在一个被遗忘的过去, 人们在出生的时候,身体里放进了一棵树苗。这棵树在他们的骨头旁边生长。爷爷,奶奶,我,妈妈,你,大家所有的人都一样,在我们小的时候,我们的身体里也放进了一棵树苗。你听懂了吗?”
“我听懂了,” 小小李说。
“这棵树影响人们的感觉、想法和言行。真实的自我还在,但是这棵树影响我们的选择,” 小李说。“有时候,人类的精神需要被控制。这被认为对每个人来说都是最好的。”
“‘如果你说得太多了,你应该少说一点儿,对大家来说,这是最好的,’” 小小李无感情地背会了。“‘树是好的,树说的话是真的,树告诉我们做的事也是最好的。’”
“是的,” 小李说。
“谁...?” 小小李开始问,然后他停下来了。在小小李的脸上,小李又看到了一个变化。他等着树停止批评他的儿子。
“历史课就到这儿,好吗?” 小李问他亲爱的儿子。
“好吧。我吃饱了。吃不下了,” 小小李说。
“好的,没问题。去做你的作业吧,“ 小李说。
Word List
一棵树苗 yī kē shùmiáo sapling
影响 yǐngxiǎng influence
选择 xuǎnzé choose, choice
精神 jīngshén spirit
控制 kòngzhì control
人类的精神需要被控制。Rénlèi de jīngshén xūyào bèi kòngzhì. The human spirit needs to be controlled.
猜到 cāi dào to guess correctly or successfully (猜测 cāi cè to speculate, guess, or hypothesize, to form a conjecture or assumption based on incomplete information)
暗 àn dark
背影 bèiyǐng back, view of someone's back as they walk away
Update 12/9/2024: After the audio recording was completed, a few changes were made to the first sentences in the chapter. Sorry for any confusion.
Chapter 32 audio by Benfang Wang of Dashu Mandarin
Chapter 32 video by Jiayi of Chinese with Jiayi
Chapter 32 PPT slide: 为了 with a highlighted grammar point, related vocabulary, example sentences, and AI-generated images to study on your own or to discuss with 老师 or 学习伙伴.
The story so far, just 汉字, no pinyin or word lists.
The story so far, just audio, no text.
Google Translate English version, first few chapters.
More learning materials
Word lists for review in Hack Chinese.
Playlist of videos by Chinese with Jiayi for 枝丫.
Links to all PPT slides on the table of contents.
More resources on the for students page.
More about the story
Table of contents includes links to chapters and other resources.
Main page: Twig 枝丫: A fantasy novel