Twig 枝丫 Zhīyā is a serialized fantasy novel written in Simplified Chinese characters for intermediate level readers.
在张老板书店后面的房间里, 史太太,老李,小李,刘依诺和其他成员一起在桌子旁边坐着。史太太觉得这个房间很暗,没有阳光。只有一个灯不够。
“我们都需要证明我们就是我们所说的那个人!” 一个男人说。史太太深深地叹了一口气。这家伙一遍又一遍地说着同样的话。真无聊啊。
“嗯,” 这个男人低声地说,然后就沉默了。
Word List
证明 zhèngmíng prove
处 chù area, place
胸口处 xiōngkǒu chù chest area
窃窃私语 qièqiè sīyǔ whisper
抬头 táitóu look up
抬起头 tái qǐ tóu life one’s head, raise one’s head
进行了目光接触 jìnxíngle mùguāng jiēchù made eye contact
领 lǐng to lead, to receive, neck, collar
心领神会 xīn lǐng shén huì to know in one’s heart the other person's unspoken meaning, to understand deeply
This chapter was partially inspired by Angela Lansbury who, playing Mrs. Potts in the animated film Beauty and the Beast, sang “Something There,” containing the lines, “A tale as old as time…Perhaps there’s something there that wasn’t there before.”
Chapter 29 audio by Benfang Wang of Dashu Mandarin
Chapter 29 video by Jiayi of Chinese with Jiayi
Chapter 29 PPT slide: 又 with a highlighted grammar point, related vocabulary, example sentences, and AI-generated images to study on your own or to discuss with 老师 or 学习伙伴.
The story so far, just 汉字, no pinyin or word lists.
The story so far, just audio, no text.
Google Translate English version, first few chapters.
More learning materials
Word lists for review in Hack Chinese.
Playlist of videos by Chinese with Jiayi for 枝丫.
Links to all PPT slides on the table of contents.
More resources on the for students page.
More about the story
Table of contents includes links to chapters and other resources.
Main page: Twig 枝丫: A fantasy novel