在安全新能源公司会议室, 小李和同事一起在桌子旁边坐着。
在桌子旁边的人中, 他们脸上的表情,小李看到一些他预计看到的东西:控制。他们的树控制着他们。小李看着桌子上明亮的阳光。他渴望着开放和创造力。小李预计又有一个无聊的会议。
“刘小姐,你为什么这样做? 小心点,好吗? ” 老板说。
“对不起。谢谢您的建议,我明白了,” 刘依诺一边说一边拿起纸张。
“你的手机好没好?” 小李问。
“嗯?哦,你好。很好,” 刘依诺似乎微笑了一下。
“你的文件没掉,对不对?” 小李说。树在他的体内颤抖,但是,他熬过来了。“不是你掉的文件,是老板掉的,对不对?” 小李继续说。
“我必须更小心。我应该走了。再见,” 刘依诺说。
“明天见,午饭窗口见, 好吗?” 小李不知道他为什么这么说,但是,他说了。小李的树窃窃私语: “ 说得太多了,少说一点儿。”
“好,” 她说。
Word List
窗帘 chuānglián curtain
预计 yùjì expect
控制 kòngzhì control
渴望 kěwàng long for, desire
惊讶 jīngyà surprised
语境 yǔ jìng context
项目 xiàngmù project
合作的项目 hézuò de xiàngmù collaborative project
掉 diào drop or fall
俯身 fǔ shēn lean over, bend over
捡 jiǎn to pick up, to gather, to collect
照 zhào shine
似乎 sìhū seem, appear
微笑 wéixiào smile
颤抖 chàn dǒu to shudder; to shiver; to shake; to tremble; physically observable from the outside (compared to 发抖 fā dǒu to tremble; to shake; to shiver, to tremble with fear; experienced within a person)
熬过 áoguò endure, get through, survive
继续 jìxù continue
Update 11/10/2024: The original text has been simplified and clarified and will differ a bit from the original audio recording. I apologize for any confusion.
For readers and listeners who would like to work with a few sentences from Chapter 7, text and recordings are here.
A Google Translate English version of chapters 1-7 is in this Google doc.
Word Lists are available for review in Hack Chinese.
I'm enjoying this. It is hard for me to tell if the writing is "native-sounding" or not. I know I read that a native has looked it over. Maybe it is just because you are limiting vocab and structures to an intermediate level, but sometimes it just feels a little stilted. Either way, it is nice to have fiction to read at this level. Typos: 刘一诺, 惊诧 jīngchà